Straight Teeth Are Healthy Teeth
Having strong, straight teeth is the key to a beautiful smile, but straight teeth don’t just look good; they are healthier, too. The benefits of having straight teeth go beyond appearance. Your whole mouth and body will reap the rewards of a straight smile.
Easier to clean
The first advantage of having straight teeth is that they are easier to clean. Your toothbrush will clean the entire surface of your teeth, and floss can get into the spaces between teeth far easier if they aren’t crooked or overlapping.
Healthier Gums
The fact that straight teeth are easier to clean means that, if you keep up your daily brushing and flossing, you will be able to prevent gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis). Preventing gum disease is important because, while it can be treated, it can be difficult or impossible to reverse if not caught in time.
Better Alignment
Teeth straightening also corrects the way your teeth fit together. Proper alignment ensures that you are chewing correctly, which has a positive impact on digestion and may even improve the quality of your sleep.
Less Wear
When your teeth are straight and aligned, they will come into contact with each other evenly, which prevents uneven wear. This can even reduce the risk of injury because, when teeth are correctly aligned, they are less likely to chip or break.
Clear Speech
Your teeth play a major role in how you speak. Together with the tongue, lips, and palate, your teeth impact how you pronounce words and make sounds. If your teeth are crooked or overlapping or your bite is out of alignment, it can impact how you speak.
More Confidence
A straight, healthy smile will make you feel better about yourself. Feeling confident lifts your mood and contributes positively to your mental health and well-being. The more you like your smile, the more often you’ll use it, and we want to see you smile all the time!
If you are thinking about straightening your smile or want more information, call our office located in Centreville, MI. We would love to start you on the journey to getting the smile you desire.
In Health, Your Team at Centreville Family Dentistry